How to think about OO
Friday, July 31, 2009
by Miško Hevery
Everyone seems to think that they are writing OO after all they are using OO languages such as Java, Python or Ruby. But if you exam the code it is often procedural in nature.
Static Methods
Static methods are procedural in nature and they have no place in OO world. I can already hear the screams, so let me explain why, but first we need to agree that global variables and state is evil. If you agree with previous statement than for a static method to do something interesting it needs to have some arguments, otherwise it will always return a constant. Call to a staticMethod() must always return the same thing, if there is no global state. (Time and random, has global state, so that does not count and object instantiation may have different instance but the object graph will be wired the same way.)
This means that for a static method to do something interesting it needs to have arguments. But in that case I will argue that the method simply belongs on one of its arguments. Example: Math.abs(-3) should really be -3.abs(). Now that does not imply that -3 needs to be object, only that the compiler needs to do the magic on my behalf, which BTW, Ruby got right. If you have multiple arguments you should choose the argument with which method interacts the most.
But most justifications for static methods argue that they are "utility methods". Let's say that you want to have toCamelCase() method to convert string "my_workspace" to "myWorkspace". Most developers will solve this as StringUtil.toCamelCase("my_workspace"). But, again, I am going to argue that the method simply belongs to the String class and should be "my_workspace".toCamelCase(). But we can't extend the String class in Java, so we are stuck, but in many other OO languages you can add methods to existing classes.
In the end I am sometimes (handful of times per year) forced to write static methods due to limitation of the language. But that is a rare event since static methods are death to testability. What I do find, is that in most projects static methods are rampant.
Instance Methods
So you got rid of all of your static methods but your codes still is procedural. OO says that code and data live together. So when one looks at code one can judge how OO it is without understanding what the code does, simply by looking at the relationship of data and code.
The problem here is the method may as well be static! It is in the wrong place, and you can tell this because it does not interact with any of the data in the Database, instead it interacts with the data in cache which it fetches by calling the getObjects() method. My guess is that this method belongs to one of its arguments most likely Cache. If you move it to Cache you well notice that the Cache will no longer need the getObjects() method since the for loop can access the internal state of the Cache directly. Hey, we simplified the code (moved one method, deleted one method) and we have made Demeter happy.
The funny thing about the getter methods is that it usually means that the code where the data is processed is outside of the class which has the data. In other words the code and data are not together.
Now I don't know if this code is well written or not, but I do know that the login() method has a very high affinity to user. It interacts with the user a lot more than it interacts with its own state. Except it does not interact with user, it uses it as a dumb storage for data. Again, code lives with data is being violated. I believe that the method should be on the object with which it interacts the most, in this case on User. So lets have a look:
Ok we are making progress, notice how the need for all of the getters has disappeared, (and in this simplified example the need for the Authenticator class disappears) but there is still something wrong. The ifs branch on internal state of the object. My guess is that this code-base is riddled with if (user.isSuperUser()). The issue is that if you add a new flag you have to remember to change all of the ifs which are dispersed all over the code-base. Whenever I see If or switch on a flag I can almost always know that polymorphism is in order.
Now that we took advantage of polymorphism, each different kind of user knows how to log in and we can easily add new kind of user type to the system. Also notice how the user no longer has all of the flag fields which were controlling the ifs to give the user different behavior. The ifs and flags have disappeared.
Now this begs the question: should the User know about the Ldap? There are actually two questions in there. 1) should User have a field reference to Ldap? and 2) should User have compile time dependency on Ldap?
Should User have a field reference to Ldap? The answer is no, because you may want to serialize the user to database but you don't want to serialize the Ldap. See here.
Should User have compile time dependency on Ldap? This is more complicated, but in general the answer depends on weather or not you are planning on reusing the User on a different project, since compile time dependencies are transitive in strongly typed languages. My experience is that everyone always writes code that one day they will reuse it, but that day never comes, and when it does, usually the code is entangled in other ways anyway, so code reuse after the fact just does not happen. (developing a library is different since code reuse is an explicit goal.) My point is that a lot of people pay the price of "what if" but never get any benefit out of it. Therefore don't worry abut it and make the User depend on Ldap.
Everyone seems to think that they are writing OO after all they are using OO languages such as Java, Python or Ruby. But if you exam the code it is often procedural in nature.
Static Methods
Static methods are procedural in nature and they have no place in OO world. I can already hear the screams, so let me explain why, but first we need to agree that global variables and state is evil. If you agree with previous statement than for a static method to do something interesting it needs to have some arguments, otherwise it will always return a constant. Call to a staticMethod() must always return the same thing, if there is no global state. (Time and random, has global state, so that does not count and object instantiation may have different instance but the object graph will be wired the same way.)
This means that for a static method to do something interesting it needs to have arguments. But in that case I will argue that the method simply belongs on one of its arguments. Example: Math.abs(-3) should really be -3.abs(). Now that does not imply that -3 needs to be object, only that the compiler needs to do the magic on my behalf, which BTW, Ruby got right. If you have multiple arguments you should choose the argument with which method interacts the most.
But most justifications for static methods argue that they are "utility methods". Let's say that you want to have toCamelCase() method to convert string "my_workspace" to "myWorkspace". Most developers will solve this as StringUtil.toCamelCase("my_workspace"). But, again, I am going to argue that the method simply belongs to the String class and should be "my_workspace".toCamelCase(). But we can't extend the String class in Java, so we are stuck, but in many other OO languages you can add methods to existing classes.
In the end I am sometimes (handful of times per year) forced to write static methods due to limitation of the language. But that is a rare event since static methods are death to testability. What I do find, is that in most projects static methods are rampant.
Instance Methods
So you got rid of all of your static methods but your codes still is procedural. OO says that code and data live together. So when one looks at code one can judge how OO it is without understanding what the code does, simply by looking at the relationship of data and code.
class Database { // some fields declared here boolean isDirty(Cache cache, Object obj) { for (Object cachedObj : cache.getObjects) { if (cachedObj.equals(obj)) return false; } return true; } }
The problem here is the method may as well be static! It is in the wrong place, and you can tell this because it does not interact with any of the data in the Database, instead it interacts with the data in cache which it fetches by calling the getObjects() method. My guess is that this method belongs to one of its arguments most likely Cache. If you move it to Cache you well notice that the Cache will no longer need the getObjects() method since the for loop can access the internal state of the Cache directly. Hey, we simplified the code (moved one method, deleted one method) and we have made Demeter happy.
The funny thing about the getter methods is that it usually means that the code where the data is processed is outside of the class which has the data. In other words the code and data are not together.
class Authenticator { Ldap ldap; Cookie login(User user) { if (user.isSuperUser()) { if ( ldap.auth(user.getUser(), user.getPassword()) ) return new Cookie(user.getActingAsUser()); } else (user.isAgent) { return new Cookie(user.getActingAsUser()); } else { if ( ldap.auth(user.getUser(), user.getPassword()) ) return new Cookie(user.getUser()); } return null; } }
Now I don't know if this code is well written or not, but I do know that the login() method has a very high affinity to user. It interacts with the user a lot more than it interacts with its own state. Except it does not interact with user, it uses it as a dumb storage for data. Again, code lives with data is being violated. I believe that the method should be on the object with which it interacts the most, in this case on User. So lets have a look:
class User { String user; String password; boolean isAgent; boolean isSuperUser; String actingAsUser; Cookie login(Ldap ldap) { if (isSuperUser) { if ( ldap.auth(user, password) ) return new Cookie(actingAsUser); } else (user.isAgent) { return new Cookie(actingAsUser); } else { if ( ldap.auth(user, password) ) return new Cookie(user); } return null; } }
Ok we are making progress, notice how the need for all of the getters has disappeared, (and in this simplified example the need for the Authenticator class disappears) but there is still something wrong. The ifs branch on internal state of the object. My guess is that this code-base is riddled with if (user.isSuperUser()). The issue is that if you add a new flag you have to remember to change all of the ifs which are dispersed all over the code-base. Whenever I see If or switch on a flag I can almost always know that polymorphism is in order.
class User { String user; String password; Cookie login(Ldap ldap) { if ( ldap.auth(user, password) ) return new Cookie(user); return null; } } class SuperUser extends User { String actingAsUser; Cookie login(Ldap ldap) { if ( ldap.auth(user, password) ) return new Cookie(actingAsUser); return null; } } class AgentUser extends User { String actingAsUser; Cookie login(Ldap ldap) { return new Cookie(actingAsUser); } }
Now that we took advantage of polymorphism, each different kind of user knows how to log in and we can easily add new kind of user type to the system. Also notice how the user no longer has all of the flag fields which were controlling the ifs to give the user different behavior. The ifs and flags have disappeared.
Now this begs the question: should the User know about the Ldap? There are actually two questions in there. 1) should User have a field reference to Ldap? and 2) should User have compile time dependency on Ldap?
Should User have a field reference to Ldap? The answer is no, because you may want to serialize the user to database but you don't want to serialize the Ldap. See here.
Should User have compile time dependency on Ldap? This is more complicated, but in general the answer depends on weather or not you are planning on reusing the User on a different project, since compile time dependencies are transitive in strongly typed languages. My experience is that everyone always writes code that one day they will reuse it, but that day never comes, and when it does, usually the code is entangled in other ways anyway, so code reuse after the fact just does not happen. (developing a library is different since code reuse is an explicit goal.) My point is that a lot of people pay the price of "what if" but never get any benefit out of it. Therefore don't worry abut it and make the User depend on Ldap.
I'm interested in your claim that extending classes from the outside makes for code that is easier to test. I've often heard that the experience from languages where this practice is prevalent (Ruby and JavaScript, specifically) that this makes code harder to understand and sometimes causes unfortunate complications, especially when you mix several libraries that extend core classes in subtly incompatible ways.
ReplyDeletePython, with which I'm more personally familiar, allows you to both extend classes (although it doesn't provide pretty syntax for it, and the community generally frowns upon "monkey-patching") and to replace static methods (as well as global functions) temporarily during the run of a particular test. The second practice is considerably more common, despite having certain shortcomings (e.g. lack of thread-safety).
Incidentally, both extending and replacing methods of an existing class fall under the definition of "monkey-patching", and both are strongly frowned upon for uses in production code, while standards for test code are somewhat more lax. I suspect it's because the environment during the test run is more controlled and errors have a lower potential cost.
I would be interested in your thoughts about temporarily replacing static methods as a testing techinque in languages that allow it.
I disagree with the static method / global method advice. To quote Scott Meyers, "Strive for class interfaces that are minimal and complete". To me, that means that if a function is a class member, it is either a virtual function, or it operates directly on private data. For example, toCamelCase isn't virtual, and doesn't operate on private data. While it does operate solely on the provided string, it can do so through the public interface.
ReplyDeleteIf there were an access tag like "super-public", that would be fine too. Until then, I will stick with statics, so long as they don't touch global state.
I mostly agree with your idea about static methods. But what about operations that depend of both arguments equally? For example Math.min or Math.max. Should we really have a 5.min(3)? It sounds counter intuitive to me. I think it is better to have a static method called min(3,5). In an ideal language, this would be a global function. Notice that since it has no global state, no testability is lost.
ReplyDeleteWhile I generally agree with your comments about the static methods, I'm still not sure where methods like say sum(Integer...) would belong. Or if we can generalize this and ask were functions applied to specific type collection would belong.
ReplyDeleteWhat about value objects and code?
ReplyDeleteThe ability to extend standard classes is a cool feature when you work by your self, or in small team where you control all your code. Imagine all Java developers in Google (you probably have thousands of them) start using Ruby, and everyone start injecting new utility methods in String class. I don't think you will appreciate that.
ReplyDeleteNice refactoring in the second example, but do you really want a User to authenticate itself? Do you always trust your users? You mentioned serialization.
How about if I give the following user across a wire:
class AlwaysLoginUser extends User {
Cookie login(Ldap ldap) {
// don't care about ldap
return new Cookie(user);
I think that authentication logic should be centralized and not spread out in User subclasses. If you want or need to make authentication code more OOP you can have different authenticators based on user type.
I really don't buy the "code lives with data" thing. With this approach, after a while you get the octopus of a User class, aware of everything going on in your application -- authentication, the fact it's a web app, transaction management, parsing of itself from xml, marshalling itself into xml... where do you stop applying this "code lives with data" principle? And, actually, the classic separation of concerns, together with testability-oriented thinking, produce a lot of nice small classes, logically self-contained, easy to understand, use, and, yes, reuse.
ReplyDeleteSure, if this is a tiny singular occurrence in your app (say, the only place in a tiny app authentication is ever dealt with), go ahead and put this method as a convenience. But surely we're not talking about such cases?
High quality post. For the User/Ldap dependency you can also consider extracting an interface:
ReplyDeleteCookie login(AuthAdapter adapter) { ... }
Ldap implements AuthAdapter { ... }
to make User dependent only on an interface, which will untangle the dependencies graph a bit.
Damn good! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAs you pointed out, the question of whether User should depend on LDAP is not an easy one.
ReplyDeleteI would imagine that in most case the problem is that the User class comes from some framework, or is generated from the database schema, or whatever, and you simply can't put the login method at the User level anyway. Would subclassing solve the trick "cleanly" in those case ? What happens when you need to add a new kind of authentication mechanism ?
Also, suppose your User class *is* actually part of a library. Do you impose dependency on LDAP ? Do you absctract LDAP behind some kind of IAuthenticator interface, with an LDAPAuthenticator and an OpenIDAuthenticator or something ?
Anyway, thanks for the articles !
I agree with yours comments for this example. You cited that in OO code and data live together. But there are other OO principles that could affect this one. For example SRP (Single Responsability Principle) which says that a class should have only one responsibility and is related with cohesion. With this in mind you could have the two following classes:
ReplyDeleteUser - responsability: it should contain and validate the user data
Autenticator - responsability: it should authenticate the logins attempts.
I once did a refactoring that is just the opposite one showed here.I extracted a Authenticator class from a User class.
The problem is: when to choose one or another aproach? The answer I think it depends on the context. In your example I probably would do the same thing. Let me show a another context in which the login will return true if the user can and false otherwise :
Please it only an example to give an idea. It may contain errors. It is not done with TDD. :)
Class User {
String name;
String adress;
Date birthDate;
//Other user data
String login;
final int MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS = 3;
final long ONE_SECOND = 1000;
final long MINUTE = 60*ONE_SECOND;
string password;
int numberOfLoginAttempts;
boolean blockedToLogin = false;
public boolean canVote(){
return getAge() >= 16 //Brazil
public boolean canDrive(){
return getAge() >= 18
// various other uses methods
public boolean login(String password){
if (blockedToLogin) throw new LoginBlockedExpetion("User is blocked to login. Try again later");
if (this.password.equals(password))
return true;
if (exceededNumberOfLoginAttempts()){
blockedToLogin = true;
LoginBlockedExpetion("You exceeded the number of attempts to login. Try again later");
LoginInvalidException("login/password is incorret. Try again.")
private void updateBlockedStatus(){
if (!blockedToLogin) return;
if (isTimeToUnblock())
blockedToLogin = false;
private boolean isTimeToUnblock(){
return getTimeElapsedSinceBlocked() >= TIME_TO_BLOCK_FAILED_LOGIN;
In the code above you can see two blocks of variables and functions. One block is concerned with data and functions related to user: name; adress; canVote(); canDrive()..., and other block with variables and functions related with autentication: MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS; numberOfLoginAttempts;login(); isTimeToUnblock(); updateBlockedStatus()...
In this case the User class has low cohesion. I think that, in this case, it worth to create a new class Autentication and extract everything related to login to it. In doing it we have two small classes with focused responsabilities and high cohesion. It is good to maintainability time.
Again, in your example I would do the same thing as you show. I am only showing another example where is the case to do just the opposite. It is more for unwary readers.
As a final note, design is not a easy task but some years ago I found TDD and since then I became a big fan of it. Growing the design evolutionarily by creating tests before even the code exists and refactor to improve the code and do this all the time in baby steps help me so much in such work.
So in the example probably I would start simple and would grow the design organically to achieve the current needs in the simplest way that I can think. Remembering a Eistein quote:
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler."
PS- sorry any mistake. English is not my first language.
Let me inform you!
ReplyDeleteThis sign is not zero zero, but Olaf Olsen!
If that answer enough for you?
If not forget my page forever; OK!?
ReplyDeleteweather => wether
Wouldn't the last change make it more difficult to promote a User to SuperUser?, I mean, wouldn't the viability of this change be dependant on stuff like this?
ReplyDeleteI cannot agree more. Static state is terrible! People often say that it is not the case, but once it bites you in the behind, you will never think the same again.
ReplyDeleteI have a question, what would be a possible solution to a global class that returns some state when a get() (yes, static) is called on it? I would love to refactor the code in such away that get() is no longer needed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated... this has been annoying me for a long long time.
I disagree with you in that I think static methods are just fine as long as they do not maintain global state. This is mainly due to the DRY principle.
ReplyDeleteGiven a function of two differently typed arguments, let's call them X and Y, it would be bad design to implement X(Y) and Y(X) in different places in your code as whenever X(Y) had to be updated, so would Y(X). This may seem like a corner case but many variations on this theme frequently occur in large projects.
Doesn't the Database example depend whether or not cache is considered an object or a data structure? Bob Martin'll say that if cache is a data structure then there is no demeter violation, i.e., it's supposed to expose its internals.
ReplyDeleteHow can we reconcile: "OO says that code and data live together" with: "objects export behavior, not data. An object has hidden data and exposed behavior. Data structures, on the other hand, have exposed data, and no behavior"
That User/SuperUser/AgentUser thing is beautiful in theory, but hard to achieve in practice.
ReplyDeleteWhat if you can change the type of a user, from 'agent' to 'super'? Most languages won't let you do it. ORM frameworks (Hibernate) won't let you do it. At least not in a nice, clean way. Also, what about the 'composition over inheritance' principle?
About the static methods rant, how to avoid an explosion in the number of methods in basic classes, like string and number? String.toJDOMElementTree() would be a candidate?
I don't disagree with you, in that people could do much, much better.
It's just funny. People discuss design principles as if they were a cohesive, coherent, single body of absolute truth, when in reality most of them are disconnected, contradictory, context-specific rules, that are all correct individually, but nearly impossible to be fully followed together.
For example, how to maximize encapsulation of a class, without violating the 'S' in SOLID? Or, how to maximize reuse (DRY) without raising coupling, while keeping it simple?
What I'm trying to say is, to design is to make choices and to balance trade-offs. And accepting the limitations of your environment. As Eric Evans said in his book, don't fight your tools, don't fight your frameworks.
But, you should always try to do your best! :)
Hi Misko,
ReplyDeleteI would like to congratulate you for inspiring folks like me to understand the value of writing testable code. I really liked the way you have presented in your blog. I also had a chance to explore your new cloud technology (getAngular).
I understand that getAngular is still in its Beta. I would like to check with you if we could do any business logics like what we do using our programming languages. For instance I was just trying to simulate a simple invoice functionality using getAngular. I had no problems in simple operations such as adding updating and searching an invoice indent. Now, I have business logic where I should not be creating an invoice request if the quantity of existing invoice requests per customer and per calendar year reaches a limit. Is this achievable in getAngular?