The published content for this year's GTAC is finally available. You can find the links to all the material below and also at the GTAC site. Other interesting artifacts can be found via Google Search or Twitter or Facebook..

On behalf of the Committee and Google I want to thank all the speakers, attendees and volunteers who made this event a great professional engagement. Some moments of the conference are captured in

Looking forward to next year’s GTAC in the city of Google’s headquarters.

Happy Holidays.
Sujay Sahni for the GTAC 2010 Committee

Day 1

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Sujay Sahni, Google Inc. & GTAC Committee Chair
video slides

Day 1 Opening Keynote
What Testability Tells us About the Software Performance Envelope
Robert Victor Binder, Founder and CEO, mVerify
video slides abstract

Twist, a next generation functional testing tool for building and evolving test suites
Vivek Prahlad, ThoughtWorks
video slides abstract

The Future of Front-End Testing
Greg Dennis & Simon Stewart, Google Inc.
video slides abstract

Lightning Talks/Interactive Session
GTAC Attendees
video slides

Testivus on Testability
Alberto Savoia, Google Inc.
video slides

Lessons Learned from Testability Failures
Esteban Manchado Velázquez, Opera Software ASA
video slides abstract

Git Bisect and Testing
Christian Couder
video slides abstract

Flexible Design? Testable Design? You Don’t Have To Choose!
Russ Rufer & Tracy Bialik, Google Inc.
video slides abstract

Day 2

Day 2 Opening Keynote
Automatically Generating Test Data for Web Applications
Jeff Offutt, Professor of Software Engineering, Volgenau School of Information and Technology, George Mason University
video slides abstract

Early Test Feedback by Test Prioritisation
Shin Yoo, University College London & Robert Nilsson, Google Inc.
video slides abstract

Measuring and Monitoring Experience in Interactive Streaming Applications
Shreeshankar Chatterjee, Adobe Systems India
video slides abstract

Crowd Source Testing, Mozilla Community Style
Matt Evans, Mozilla
video slides abstract

Lightning Talks/Interactive Session
GTAC Attendees
video slides

Closing Keynote - Turning Quality on its Head
James Whittaker, Engineering Director, Google Inc.
video slides abstract

Closing Panel Discussion
GTAC Attendees

Closing Remarks
Sujay Sahni, Google Inc. & GTAC Committee Chair
video slides