It's hard to test code that uses singletons. Typically, the code you want to test is coupled strongly with the singleton instance. You can't control the creation of the singleton object because often it is created in a static initializer or static method. As a result, you also can't mock out the behavior of that Singleton instance.

If changing the implementation of a singleton class is not an option, but changing the client of a singleton is, a simple refactoring can make it easier to test. Let's say you had a method that uses a Server as a singleton instance:

public class Client {
  public int process(Params params) {
    Server server = Server.getInstance();
    Data data = server.retrieveData(params);

You can refactor Client to use Dependency Injection and avoid its use of the singleton pattern altogether. You have not lost any functionality, and have also not lost the requirement that only a singleton instance of Server must exist. The only difference is that instead of getting the Server instance from the static getInstance method, Client receives it in its constructor. You have made the class easier to test!

public class Client {
  private final Server server;

  public Client(Server server) {
    this.server = server;

  public int process(Params params){
    Data data = this.server.retrieveData(params);

When testing, you can create a mock Server with whatever expected behavior you need and pass it into the Client under test:

public void testProcess() {
  Server mockServer = createMock(Server.class);
  Client c = new Client(mockServer);
  assertEquals(5, c.process(params));